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Craft Business Strategy Call

£48.00 - £528.00 (Inc. VAT)
£40.00 - £440.00 (Ex. VAT)
(15 reviews) Write a Review
Remember to download your Strategy Call Questionaire

One on One Strategy Call

Book a strategy call with me to review your craft business so you can get clarity on what you're doing right in your business and where you need to focus more energy. 

Together we can discuss where you want to take your business and the steps you can put in place to achieve them. It's time to stop winging it and flick the switch in your business strategy.

This call will be fully customised to your business, you tell me what you want to discuss and the call will be customised to you and your needs. We can review your sales platforms, your social media or your sales events. We can review the systems you have in place and should put in place to make your craft business work smoothly and more successful.

The strategy call is specifically tailored to your business. I don't have a cookie cutter approach because each business owner has different needs and vision for their business. I want to make your vision come true.

We can discuss how your business can scale and improve your profits to bring you closer to your craft business dream.

  1. The call is typically 40 minutes.
  2. I prefer to use Zoom so that I can share my screen while I delve into your online business allowing you to see exactly what I'm speaking about. If Zoom is not acceptable to you I'm happy to carry out the call via a normal telephone call. A recording of the call will be shared with you.

Once you purchase your strategy call you will receive an email questionnaire from me so that I can do some research before our call. I want to make sure you get the most of your time with me.

At the end of the call you will receive a video copy for you to watch back again and again. Having this video record will save you having to take notes and be an excellent resource for your business going forward.

Want to buy in bulk and GET ONE FREE?

I have a special deal for those of you who want me on a more regular basis guiding and supporting you in your business. 

I'm offering a bulk buy of 12 Strategy Calls. You can use them as and when you feel you need help. 

Have one call a week for 12 weeks or once a month for an entire year.

This offer is available for a very special price. Pay for 11 and get the 12th free. 



15 Reviews Hide Reviews Show Reviews

  • 4
    Strategy call flowers are forever London

    Posted by Helen on 24th May 2024

    Really good strategy call with Paula was given a lot of information very detailed, Paula is very knowledgeable. I went away confident with the next steps to put forward with my business.

  • 5
    Strategy Call

    Posted by Sue Williamson on 17th May 2024

    So happy I booked this call with Paula, it gives you a chance to ask the questions but also to take a step back to look at your business and in which direction it’s going with Paula by your side, Paula is the ideal person to advise, suggest and support you through your business journey. Book a call today with Paula move you business forward. Thankyou Paula our call really has made a difference and made me sit up and get moving

  • 5
    Strategy Call

    Posted by Joanna on 15th May 2024

    I've just booked my strategy call with Paula. I'm really looking forward to it, I already know she will help me with my business and help me to move it forward. Very excited to see the outcome :)

  • 5
    1 to 1 call

    Posted by Julie Sprake on 14th May 2024

    The call with Paula is brilliant, gets you thinking about when and where you need to be going with in your business and gives u the encouragement to do so

  • 5
    Strategy Call

    Posted by Carol McDonald on 11th May 2024

    I booked a strategy call with Paula and was glad I did. The call was tailored to me, my business. We discussed how I should move forward from what I am doing at the moment as it not working for me and definitely produces no income. Paula gave me very good advice and a vision for starting a new business from scratch, which I am now starting to work on. The great thing as well is, that you receive a video copy of the call, which you can watch over and over again and jot down notes. If you need help with your business or like me you weren't sure which way to go, then I highly recommend a strategy call with Paula. So what are you waiting for? Just do it, you won't be disappointed.

  • 5
    Strategy Call

    Posted by Anne Robinson on 23rd Apr 2024

    Today I woke up At 5am couldn't go back to sleep as I had teddy bears on my mind. This is from the strategy call with Paula yesterday (I would recommend you book one with Paula they are invaluable) so I got up took Bella ( my dog ) for an early morning walk. When I got back I went through the recording again and jotted down some notes...... I have now starting scheduling my fb page and practicing taking better photos of my teddy bears....... The call was just what I needed to kick start me into action again. Book a call you wont regret it.